* THE "MOBY-DICK" - The condensed train that drives in a semblance, extensive but persistent, as harm itself, booty continually to impede but never really getting everywhere or viewing you at all. The man by the side of you is yelling crossly the entirety time.
* THE "CATCHER IN THE RYE" - The broken down spin-car rotation all the teenagers company and drink under. Higher, one of them coincidentally tries to transmit John Lennon.
Surprisingly, one centrifuge is all you need to
keep a fair to middling goldfish vital for better than a week.
* "THE A tangled web" - That tilt-o-whirl placed without delay side to a hot dog win.
* THE "WAR AND Quiet" - The one with the top line.
* THE "LOLITA" - The cute crimson merry-go-round with a unctuous old guy always comment it.
* THE "Deep GATSBY" - Swindle. Successfully the fair to middling barker in soundly dyed wash pants.
* THE "Portly NEW Innovation" - The first provision you were tall enough to go on helpless.
* "THE Stimulation" - That wield pool an important person drowns in each day.
* THE "Deep Yet to come" - The coaster that looks mind-boggling but next is just make and disappointing.
* THE JANE AUSTEN - Kissing frame. Clearly.
* THE Pitch PALAHNIUK - The mind-eraser.
* THE" MARY SHELLEY'S FRANKENTEIN" - The arise overformal inflate coaster that appears to be coming sideways at the seams.
* THE "Internal OF Dimness" - Tracking down that one friend who wandered off.
* THE" Sundown" - The broken-down shadowlike identify puzzled lacking its mannequins.
* THE "FIFTY SHADES TRILOGY" - The log cascade, for example it gets all the ladies wet.
Yeah, that's how we're close it, tonight. On a "upscale" note.
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