YOUR CHOICE THIS TIME, I'M BUYING. This is funny or romantic? I don't think so.
YOU SEE MY FRIEND OVER THERE? [POINT TO FRIEND WHO SHEEPISHLY WAVES FROM AFAR] HE WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU THINK I'M CUTE. - Reminds me of junior school. Might work with high school and college girls but not real women.
YOUR DAD MUST HAVE BEEN RETARDED, 'CUZ YOU ARE SPECIAL. Dissing her parents is not the best way to win her heart. Funny though
YOUR DADDY MUST BE A TERRORIST, BECAUSE BABY- YOU DA BOMB! Don't use this line in airports or train stations. This line is da bomb! Great.
YOUR EARRINGS ARE THE MIRRORS WHICH REFLECT THE MOONLIGHT INTO YOUR EYES Oh, my god. This line sucks - it's off the cheesy ricto-meter, it's so bad.
YOUR EYES ARE AS BLUE AS MY TOILET WATER AT HOME. If you think this line will work, I say stay home and watch reruns on TV.
YOUR EYES HAVE TOUCHED MY SOUL Awesome line, it might be too powerful to be believable. Use it with someone special.
YOU'RE HOTTER THAN A BUNSEN BURNER SET TO FULL POWER! A little too nerdy on the level of sci-fi and math pick up lines. You want to turn her on, right?
YOU'RE LIKE A DICTIONARY - YOU ADD MEANING TO MY LIFE! It's okay as a joke but why is this not a good line? A guy who says this implies he has no life and that's not cool.
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More CORNY PICK UP LINES on my other website if you like cheesy lines.
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