But there are a few basic signs of flirting that you'll see that show she's definitely interested in you. So when you're approaching and talking to a girl, try to figure out if you're seeing any of the following:
1. She will look directly at you. Before you approach a woman, she will directly look at you and maintain prolonged eye contact. In addition, she'll smile right at you.
2. She will check you out. Yes women check out guys. If see her look at your face then look lower she is definitely checking you out! When she looks at you, that means she has found something great about you and wants to see more.
3. She will look her best for you. Once she knows you're looking at her, a woman will make a point look her best for you. This means preening her clothes and hair. A lot of this is subconscious, but will see signs of flirting which demonstrate she's trying to look her best for you.
4. She will open herself up to you. After you approach a woman and strike up a conversation, she will display an "OPENNESS" with her body language. Her arms will be spread and her wrists will be turned towards you.
5. She will stroke herself. When a woman is talking to you she might stroke her neck or touch her hair, perhaps even her thigh. These signs show that she's thinking about her sensitive areas and quite possibly what you could do to them.
6. She will draw closer. One of the best signs of flirting is when she draws closer to you during your conversation. This shows a desire to create more intimacy when you're talking to her. A woman might even lower her voice to get you to draw in closer.
7. She will let her eyes wander all over your face.
The final flirting signal is when she moves her eyes back and forth between your eyes and mouth. This is one of the classic signs of flirting where she's thinking of you kissing her. So when you see this signal, don't hesitate. Start kissing her! Women give subtle signals to men that demonstrate that they're interested. If you take the time to look for the standard signs of flirting, you'll discover she is probably sending you a lot of signals which show she is attracted to you.
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Labels: your partners perfect passion love attracted older women seduction tips myth speed seduction passion love every loves time relations female orgasm black book finding dating your interview body language
Source: umad-dating-advices.blogspot.com
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