The "Twilight" star gave readers some juicy details about the upcoming film:
* THE SEX SCENE: "It was so weird, it didn't even feel like we were doing a Twilight film. I was like, 'Bella! What are you doing? Wow! What is happening here?!' It was very surreal. We [originally] got rated R. They recut it."
* EXTREME SECURITY ON SET: "I had to be shrouded in secrecy the entire two days of filming... it was crazy... I was on full lockdown, as if I was wearing millions of dollars' worth of diamonds"
* ON GETTING IN SHAPE IN ORDER TO WEAR A BIKINI: "Usually we all make fun of Taylor [Lautner] for working out so often, and then suddenly me and Rob were like '%!#" and were running around the block while Taylor laughed at us."
* RELATIONSHIP WITH ROBERT PATTINSON: "It's funny when this question comes up, because I sort of feel like, I don't really care! People can say whatever they want.... [The interest] is totally understandable, but when it's personal to you, it's like your life becomes a product and I'm repelled by that. I don't like to give away gems that people are gonna be like, 'Oh my God! So I'll always just shrug it off - in fact, I always find it kind of funny, and not just with Rob."
* LEARNING NEW HORSE RIDING SKILLS FOR SW&TH": "I'm fairly terrified... I fell off the other day."
* RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: "Hmm...good relationship advice for me tends to be being honest and knowing yourself. Don't be an asshole. That's my advice. Don't be mean. Don't take sh*t. Don't settle."
* WATCHING "BREAKING DAWN" WITH STEPHENIE MEYER AND TAYLOR LAUTNER:."It's fun to watch with him because we actually sit and watch it. Me and Taylor are actual "Twilight" fans, so we can sit there and be totally into it! Whereas I sit there with Rob...he likes it, but he has just such a different energy."
* HER GQ COVER: "I looked like a boy for a long time," she told the magazine. "Now I feel like a woman."
WOW can you believe it, this could have been rated R! Lucky for all you under 17ers it was recut!
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