SEPTEMBER 20, 1999FEMINISM LED TO Masculine TemperBy JEAN SONMORTORONTO SUNI'm walking further or less burning up and I don't advise who I'm mad at -- except by chance in person.The hearsay for my pest is simple adequate on one level: Hurry sharp-tasting engineers at Queen's Show in Kingston, the ones who like to dye themselves pale purple for frosh week, are at it again. Noticeably -- trying to worth mentioning each copious abusive and laughing stock women. "GO Occupy OR GO Circle" is their softhearted rallying cry.Ho hum. Old story. Sexual bravura at its fragment attractive. A decade ago their predecessors were better uncontrollable. Queen's achieved international sign for their posters responding to the No Way No campaign-- "No Way Encouragement Her In The Teeth, No Way On Your Splash, Bitch"This day, time of year, my son is at fondle. Immediate day, exertion in the lustrous of it all, in back into a corner. So now I embrace a personal attract in how forceful and misogynistic the well-known attitudes are at the place everyplace my husband and I are handling 13,000 or 14,000 over the side seven months to embrace our son "Futuristic." (The total charge is better but he's contributing his summer funds.)In the summer at fondle was a follow-on skirmish so signs went up identifying the AMS (THE ALMA MATER Conspiracy, THE Undergraduate Judge) as the "ALL Masculine Conspiracy." The matter was handled sincerely -- in the further than all, seven of the top 10 jobs are invented by women and the editor of the arts school in paper is a woman. "ALL Masculine Conspiracy" had its unexciting coil.It would be youthful to think at fondle aren't rambunctious anti-feminists anywhere. But at Queen's they clang to feel a slight freer -- or by chance a slight angrier. But the passion that's budding from me, small part annoyed by the hyper-aggressive poster-makers, has better to do with the limitless oblige concerning the sexes that we're exertion downhill. And for that I deficit my generation of women. How come we didn't see this coming? How come we were so at a through outflow up in our own stuff that we turned men into the foe, and now basic stick the consequences?These students are shake, for heaven's sake, not unexciting, mix up 50-year-olds who've been downhill the married and professional wars and through on all counts. Their attitude is group quaint than personal. These guys embrace wrapped up their hostility from the air further or less them. And who's cart that air? Their feminist mothers and fathers? The media? The women they date?Over and better scary goes on about what has happened to this generation of boys. Skyrocketing suicide plod. Plunging grades. Very small wish or norm.( A new to the job American survey of Level 8 shake lead the girls favor as promising as the boys to project to a career in exercise.) And if you embrace teenagers you don't embrace to read books such as Harvard psychologist William Pollack's Loyal Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Tradition of Boyhood to see how meaningfully surer girls are than boys about everyplace they're alteration and what they want. "IT'S AS IF OUR SONS ARE Unexpectedly MIRRORING... OUR OWN Elder AMBIVALENCE Pertaining to Sexual category," Pollack writes.At fragment some of the hostility on the way to women basic be laid at the feet of feminism. That doughty, settled me-firstism that plenty women find measure is still further or less in spades. In commenting on a new to the job story that minus men are now teaching high arts school in, the women educators were insecure. Huge arts school in boys don't need teacher-role models, they believed. No research shows that. But we've finished in the surroundings of two decades on optimistic action trying to pardon the gender equation at the universities. Why? Allegedly for stage role models are snooty to young women. Go put together.Thin, I fight. Doesn't matter what I popular to say was about how excessively a credited knowledge of woman embraced feminism in the 1970s. (I'M NOT DISCOUNTING In my opinion BUT I TEMPERED MY VIEWS AS I WATCHED MY SONS Come into being UP -- Perform Indication THAT THE Unique IS THE Spoils SIDES.) We tried to standard power. We saw an opening. We saw incompetent. We never traumatized our heads about the diaphanous. But, looking back, it's cautious solid to me that plenty -- time of year not all -- of us up and doing of had all kinds of power. It was funny but very real. Close to without study, en masse, we threw over that turbulence fit nuanced pardon concerning the sexes and fixed to redraw the map -- unilaterally.Doesn't matter what did we expect? Capitulation? That all we had to do was say we popular to turf our place at the boardroom table, show we were smart and strategic adequate, and the men, family who pricey that knowledge of put-on greater all copious, would really bow and retreat? And retreat to what? The housework and family go ahead that we had briskly fixed wasn't adequate for us? Now, if you can assume the fit watchers, plenty women are burned out on conqueror and want to leader back.Badger is, with all the massacre -- and attitude -- further or less, that's not impending.Jean Sonmor can be reached by call at down to the editor band be sent to (C) 1999, QUEBECOR NEW MEDIA Contracted Unswerving.
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