Roman warns Stephanie about the dangers of marrying into the Kiriakis family.
Chloe tries to tell Lucas about her affair with Daniel, but the undisputable interruptions slab the way.
Kate offers Chloe the TV job again, but her motives are in question.
Mia and Nicole take.
Grace runs into outstanding trouble, and Sami fears the profound thought may identifiable to come out.
Stefano reveals that he knows Nicole has Sami's mini.
And with that, as they say, on with the show...
We begin with hot music. Figure part grabbing. "Prosthetic grabbing." Phillip and Stephanie body search.
Stefano mocking Nicole. He tells her he knows the child in the infirmary is not Sami's mini, and Nicole neediness relate that for example she has Sami's real mini. Nicole denies it. Stefano tells her she cannot keep secrets from him. Nicole continues to splutter and prohibit it. Stefano sits behind her and moves in close, "Meeting over. I relate whatever thing and I mean whatever thing."
Daniel comes out and tells Sami Grace is very off-putting, "She has bacterial meningitis." Sami uncertainties that Grace could not make it.
We pan away from a group of candles and find ourselves back in the chapel. Nicole begs Stefano to see box, "Sphere your lies everywhere as well."
"Sphere them somewhere," asks Stefano, "I don't know the Convent of the Divine Deal with or the Health resort of the Almighty Dollar?"
"The Health resort of the Almighty Responsibility," repeats Nicole, "That's accomplice with Salem infirmary, isn't it?"
Stefano lays out the ostentatious story. All moral. Sami's mini... Mia's mini... the gum... Nicole is, in a word...
Stefano plays it cast a shadow over and accuses her of ravenous to bag EJ and his finances.
Switch at Sami's place, Motivation finds Mia weepy and gloomy. Mia says she is edgy about Grace, but Dr. Motivation assures her Grace will be OK.
Daniel says he is very worried. Sami can't understand how this happened. Sami breaks down. EJ steps in and wonders if discovery the twitch parents would help. Rafe walks in and Sami tries to communicate focus the tears.
Phillip and Stephanie clutch. This is nice," says Stephanie, "without you getting turn."
"That continually helps improve my day, too," says Phillip. Lower than intelligent Stephanie doesn't think stuff are over straight-talking while Owen is in send down.
Nicole comes tidy, "How long identifiable you known?" Stefano tells her it doesn't make any difference and accuses her of just trying to buy time and upset. Nicole bobs, weaves and dances. She makes her fight and reminds Stefano how noticeably she has supported the DiMeras.
Stefano says, "I in fact love you, Nicole."
"That makes me all radiant and moist inside," she says, "But I'm not timid of you."
"That is stupid," says Stefano, "and you are not stupid."
"You've tipped your authorization," she says.
"I can tip anything I want," growls Stefano, "I give birth to all the trumps."
Nicole asks, "Why are you telling me and not EJ?"
"Equally if I told EJ," says Stefano, "That would move this story overpower at a noticeably nearer step and we would never want to do that on DOOL."
Dr. Daniel gives the falling down on Grace's illness. He says they identifiable to spend a long time at and see how the antibiotics do. Daniel foliage and Rafe reassures Sami. EJ tells them if they want to look for the biological parents the DiMeras identifiable ways of discovery stuff like that out. "EJ doesn't relate the partially of it."
Stefano says the time to tell EJ just was not right. Nicole tells him she did all this for EJ and she doesn't give a damn about his finances, "If you tell EJ the profound thought his world will fall aloof and overpower with Tony's casual it will be on your hands."
Sami asks to talk to EJ. Rafe foliage and Sami tells EJ Daniel alleged the twitch parents can't help, and if they knew Grace was off-putting it would make stuff hand down. EJ moves in for a co-op kiss and foliage.
Sami goes back to Rafe. She says she generally told EJ the profound thought. Sami tries to manipulate herself Grace will be OK. Rafe is co-op.
Interior the room of casual, Daniel stares at Grace.
Phillip tells Stephanie this isn't her argue. She reminds him she will be a Kiriakis, so it is her argue. Phillip promises to keep her.
Stefano warns Nicole to be specific with what she says. He says he doesn't want word to get out and subsequently identifiable Sami file for bank on of Sydney. He thinks EJ would lose that contest for example he is married to the the person behind of the pretext. Stefano doesn't want to lose Sydney any outstanding than Nicole does. EJ walks in, "For instance are you two talking about?"
Motivation and Mia happen into the infirmary. Dr. Daniel tells them Sami is with Grace. He tells them Grace has meningitis and doesn't relate if she will make it. Mia next to gets off-putting.
Sami and Rafe look over Grace and try to guarantee themselves she will get better. Sami puts the St. Anne's present on the patch, "God won't let no matter what spate to this wonderful succinct angel."
Phillip and Stephanie surface. Stephanie thoughts about being trapped in the drawer and wakes up huffing and puffing.
Stefano tells EJ he came communicate to comfort Nicole for example she is spoil about Sami's mini. EJ gives them the prediction. He tells them they don't identifiable to do the transmissible tests and asks to talk to Stefano for yourself. Nicole tells Stefano to burst care and goes for chocolate.
EJ tells Stefano they identifiable a problem.
Mia foliage to upset and Daniel comes up and asks Motivation if he is OK. Motivation guesses he is. "Impart is whatever thing you can do," says Daniel.
Sami starts to pummel herself up about Grace's illness but Rafe stops her, "You didn't upgrade this illness. "If anybody did it would identifiable to be one of the babysitters. You haven't been roughly her passable."
Phillip sleeps. He wakes to find Stephanie confused. She comes back and says she just had to go gulp down her overhang. He asks if she is OK and Stephanie gives him the "I'm not OK" gaze at.
Stefano tells EJ to let him urge stuff. He says EJ will never be occupied in that Stephanie's kidnapping.
Daniel tells Motivation he can be a big help to his mom. He asks Motivation to go get the family. Motivation heads out on his chore free Mia to fend for herself.
Nicole finds Mia who tells her Grace is in fact off-putting, "It's like I'm throw down my own mini all over again."
Rafe tells Sami Grace is a gunfighter. Dr. Daniel comes in for tests. Sami and Rafe tell Grace they will be back candidly and give. Daniel stares.
Phillip asks again if Stephanie is OK. "It's Stephanie, of run she isn't."
EJ and Stefano earth back at the mansion. Stefano suggests a drink to groove. EJ scolds, "If you make a move towards that urn I will prove you down to the adjust posture. How about a cup of tea?" EJ asks what is separation on with Owen. Stefano says he will burst care of him and that's all EJ needs to relate.
Mia and Nicole get on a breakdown over Grace's situation. Mia says she is happy her own succinct girl is safe. "Oh, the angst! " She says she at the end accepts that say her kid up was the best clash to do, but it doesn't get any easier as time goes by, "I will repentance it for all the "Living Of Our Lives". We kindle back to the twitch. Nicole hugs Mia.
Sami lights a candle in the chapel. Rafe insists God will not give up on them. She says Rafe is say her the strength to get focus this. Rafe assures her he isn't separation where. They show respect for at the altar together.
Daniel tells the go into to buzz him in the function of the cultures come back. He says Grace's level of consciousness is waning, "If communicate is a change... code sapphire. Lonely the close relative and pioneer can adjournment and if you think it will help, say a charm." At the back of Daniel foliage, Mia and Nicole come in.
Mia asks, "Can I ask a question."
the go into asks, "Are you the mother?"
Nicole steps in and answers for her, "Yes... Yes she is."
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