YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN, YOU ARE AN ESSENCE - 9/10 Bam! This line is too good, she might not believe you.
YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL THAT I WOULD MARRY YOUR BROTHER JUST TO GET INTO YOUR FAMILY. -6/10 The double take WTF line? It does not make any sense but she will get the point.
YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL THAT YOU GIVE THE SUN A REASON TO SHINE. 9/10 Hopefully your girl loves too sweet lines like this, as I suspect she will.
YOU ARE SO SWEET...I'M GETTING A TOOTHACHE JUST LOOKING AT YOU... 7/10 - Kind of cutie pie, childish affection but damn I LOVE IT.
YOU ARE THE HOTTEST THING SINCE SUNBURN. 8/10 - Calling girls hot is not always the best move since so many guys do it but this line is smmmmoking.
YOU KNOW THE MORE I DRINK, THE PRETTIER YOU GET! 6/10 Very funny but not at all flattering. Use it to burn a bitchy girl who thinks she is all that.
YOU KNOW WHAT? YOUR EYES ARE THE SAME COLOR AS MY PORSCHE. 5/10 Old, stale and dumb, lock this one in the vault. Porsche's are not as cool as the once were and bragging about owning one is weak!
YOU KNOW, YOU MIGHT BE ASKED TO LEAVE SOON. YOU'RE MAKING THE OTHER WOMEN LOOK REALLY BAD. 7/10 Sassy, I like it. Say it to an average looking girl and she might think you are prince charming. It's a hit and miss line because some girls like it and some don't.
YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL TODAY, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER DAY. 9/10 The key is to pause for a few seconds after the word "today" and virtually no girl will able to resist you. A really great line for someone who sees a girl regularly.
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