I ENVY YOUR LIPSTICK. - Not bad, not too sexual yet complimentary.
HEY, HOW DID YOU DO THAT? (WHAT?) LOOK SO GOOD? - Great line because it puts a girl on the spot and then releases the tension with a compliment
I THINK I FEEL LIKE RICHARD GERE - I'M STANDING NEXT TO YOU, THE PRETTY WOMAN. - kind of corny but doable. That movie is twenty years out of style.
I THINK I MUST BE DYING BECAUSE I'M LOOKING AT HEAVEN. - Not a pick up line but something to say if you are in love.
IF A STAR FELL FOR EVERY TIME I THOUGHT OF YOU, THE SKY WOULD BE EMPTY. - Girls love this one (if from the right guy at the right time) because he's thinking about her.
IF BEAUTY WERE A GRAIN OF SAND, YOU'D BE A MILLION BEACHES. - Nice poetic line but slightly corny, timing is everything. Lots of girls will like this one.
IF BEAUTY WERE SUNLIGHT, YOU'D SHINE FROM A MILLION LIGHT-YEARS AWAY. - Similar to the line above, the same comments apply. I like this line much better.
IF BEAUTY WERE TIME, YOU'D BE AN ETERNITY. - Awesome line but a little too deep.
IF GOD MADE ANYTHING MORE PRETTY, I'M SURE HE'D KEEP IT FOR HIMSELF. - Kind of good, really complimentary. Not a big fan of calling anyone an angel or heaven sent but if you love the girl, go for it.
I TRIED TO FIND THE PERFECT LINE TO MAKE YOU MINE, SWEETHEART, BUT AFTER SEARCHING ALL I COULD COME UP WITH WAS THIS LOOK IN MY EYES AND YOUR HAND IN MINE, AND THE WORDS, WILL YOU BE MINE? - Aww, any guy who uses this line is going to get lucky, if you know what I mean. Too corny for some guys, this flattering line is best for marriage vows, proposals and anniversaries.
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