How true was that?!? I've had people who know me well and people who don't know me at all ask why I'm helping these dogs when there are starving people. Or why we save abused dogs when so many children are abused?! My answer.."why not?" You have to pick an area to focus on! If you're trying to help EVERY cause out there then you'll be completely overwhelmed! Also, it's frowned upon to see a neglected child, bring it into your home and if they're not claimed in two weeks, keep them or rehome them to a loving home!
Also, I'm a very social person. I love my dogs but I definitely don't spend so much time with them so I can avoid people. In fact, I work with a dog rescue so I have to be a people person and I love it! :)
All of the ladies I work closely with in the rescue are very well put together and social! There are no mullets, wolf sweaters or basement hideaways. Ok..well the wolf sweaters come out from time to time...but only for special occasions! ;) I haven't yet forgotten about makeup and I still attempt a "presentable" state when going out in public. Although..I don't wear heels nearly as often and I haven't visited a hair stylist in a long while...maybe I am on my way out! Eek! I am in better shape though because of all of the walking I now have to do! :D
Because I'm so active with the Rescue, a lot of my Facebook posts or Twitter posts relate to dogs. I also have two dogs and am working on a Dog Boarding business out of my home. Therefore, my posts will reflect what I spend a lot of my time doing. That being said, I'm not the only one getting comments about us "crazy dog people"..I've heard others mention the same thing. Honestly, I don't have as many pictures of my kids as I do of our dogs and the dogs that are fostered or boarded here. Not that I don't love them so much more...but they don't do as many cute things once they reach those pre-teen and teenage years! :P Thank you to my parents for NOT taking many pictures of me during those years too! I don't need to relive my bad fashion mistakes! ;) I don't and never would comment about some peoples millions of pictures of their babies! That's great! Facebook wasn't around when Pax was small or there would be hundreds of pictures of his roly poly cuteness on Facebook as well! Don't judge us crazy animal lovers, we're just passionate about a cause! Oh and we're spreading awareness and's just about animals rather than slot-o-mania or chain letters ;) Each to their own! Let us be crazy, but know that we're normal too!
Peace out ~
Oh and if you didn't read the link up there ^ go back and do it! You'll enjoy it.
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