Go out on enough dates and you're bound to have one (or ten) that you wish never happened. It's all part of the dating game. It doesn't matter where you meet women. There's always going to be some chicks you regret ever asking out. Unfortunately, it can ruin your day if you don't get out of there quickly. However, unless she's been rude to you, it's a dick move to just ditch her without notice. Or, even worse, to tell her you think she's fat and ugly and that you'd rather date another dude than her. So you have to end the date without being obvious that you don't think too highly of her company.
Planning for an Exit Starts BEFORE the Date
Never go out on a first date expecting it to lead to anything more. That way you're never disappointed. I'm not trying to be negative here. Your intentions should always be to find a long-term relationship. I just don't think you should expect that any specific date will lead to it. Go out, put on a good show, have a good time, and hope it leads to more. If it doesn't, it doesn't. No big deal.
The reason I say this is because there will be times you're highly disappointed with your date or she's disappointed with you. It happens. After all, before going on a first date with a woman you met online, you've never met her in person. Some people are very different online than they are offline. So always plan ahead an exit strategy just in case the date goes poorly. Tell a friend to pay attention to his phone and to come bail you out in the event it's needed.
Gracefully Exiting When You're Just Not Into Her
"Be a gentleman and exit courteously from a bad date"
She wasn't as attractive as her profile pictures. She has an annoying voice. Her offline personality doesn't seem to match that of her online persona. She has horrible B.O. Whatever the reason is for wanting to get out of there, you must do it gracefully. It's the mature thing to do. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean you have to completely crush her self-esteem. I'm a firm believer in karma, so it will come back to haunt you one day when a girl isn't into you and then verbally rip you a new butt-hole.
If you're good at faking an illness, go ahead and do that. But you have to be a really good actor or she'll know it's fake. If you're like me and suck at acting, excuse yourself from the table and go to the bathroom. Call or text a friend (remember to pre-plan this!) and ask him/her to bail you out. Here's what I do. I have my friend call me up to tell me his car broke down in the middle of nowhere and he's stranded there and desperately needs a ride. I act irritated because I have to leave, but I tell her I must go and apologize for it. This is far less rude than insulting her or getting up to go to the bathroom and never coming back.
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Credit: art-of-pickup.blogspot.com
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