(11:11) Harlan Ellison has selected CJW9505@Jetson.UH.EDU's question "Sir, what is the future of" Last Dangerous "
-> (11:13) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Sir: in reference to THE LAST DANGEROUS VISIONS, my response is the same - one that Michelangelo have to the Pope when he bugged him about the - completion of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling fresco: It'sll be done, when it's - done. Get a life.
(11:13) Harlan Ellison has selected mmanes@ssi.edc.org's question "I spent last night and this morning reading (a rather pleasant way to spend the time). How did that collaboration come about?"
-> (11:18) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - MIND FIELDS happended this way: I had done an introduction to an H. R. - Giger book published by Jim Cowan at Morpheus International. Then Jim did - the reprint volume of THE ESSENTIAL ELLISON. One day, about two years - ago, Jim came to me and said he was going to publish a coffee table book - of art by an unknown (in this country) Polish surrealist nammed Jacek - Yerka. He wanted me to do an intro. Isaid, aaaarghh! I'd done so may - damned introductions, I din't think I could do another one without losing - my mink. But Jim asked me to look at the art, at lrast to just look at - it. So I said okay, and he brought over stats, and I looked at them, and - I said, "No, I won't do an introduction, but I will do a short story - around each painting. And so I spent a year doing 33 stories around 34 - paintings.
(11:19) Harlan Ellison has selected balt98@access.digex.net's question "Hi, Harlan, Perrianne here. One questiona I've always been meaning to ask you, what is the significance of "Kilimanjaro" as the name for your corporation (besides being the tallest mountain in Africa, of course)?"
-> (11:20) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Hi, Perianne. How's it goin', kid? The significance of my calling my - company The Kilimanjaro Corporation--apart from my adoration of the late - Jomo Kenyatta, and my awe of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kenya -> (11:23) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - --is the parable that begins the famous Hemingway short story, "The Snows - of Kilimanjaro." If you can figure out the anser to the parable, you will - have the secret of living an honarable an productive life. You could look - it up. all of you could look it up. It bigins "Mt. Kilimanjaro is a - mountain..."
(11:23) Harlan Ellison has selected tallison@mcs.com's question "it was mentioned on the net that your work tends to go out of print quickly and people have to race to buy it before it disappears. Why do you think this happens?"
-> (11:26) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - In answer to the question regarding my work going out of print, well, - that's the reason I'm doing this conference. Beginning in early 1996, - Wite Wolf wi9ll embark on a program of republishing 31 of my back list - titles. In huge, 2-bookhardcover volumes, they will do everything - fromOVERTHE EDGE to HARLAN ELLISON'S MOVIE. The books will all be back in - print -> (11:29) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - after a lag-time of about ten years. As for things going "out of print" - --when was the last time you entered a 7-Eleven, checked out the spinner - rack, and fout Mark Twain, or Joseph Conrad or Graham Greene? What you - find is LaVyrle Spencer and Judith Krantz, and other creative typists. It - is a market-driven industry, and quality, the langevity of art, the - retention of work athat enriches as welll as entertains, is an arcane and - alien concept. I's the way of the world, hang. I's why an entire - generation hears Backh as white noise, and thins Snoop Doggy Dog actually - makes music. Am I being to polite for yOu?
(11:29) Harlan Ellison has selected CJW9505@Jetson.UH.EDU's question "Mr. Ellison, I *have* a life. More than 20 of your contributors are not so fortunate. What right do you have to continue witholding some of the last unpublished material of authors who can no longer fight for their own right to see it in print?"
-> (11:31) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - For those of you who are picking up on the messages of the person hiding - behind the handle CJ, know this: he is one of a group of pinheadswho have - taken as teir mission in life to make me unhappy. -> (11:32) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - My respnse to his "what right do you have"--without use the words Go F - Yerself,is this: I am the one who conceived DANGEROUS VISIONS, -> (11:34) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - (ital)I ame the one who sweated it out for years and got it into print, - (ital) I ame the one who made hundreds of thousands of dooars for the - authors, "am the one who did the same for AGAIN, DANGEROUS VISIONS -> (11:36) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - and "am the one who in congress with my writers, will deal with TLDV. - You, you lint-picking, snot-sucking, phlegm-snorting, duplicitous bag of - impertinent stupidity, are a hanger-on, a pain in the ass, a do-nothing, - one who only serves mean spirited ends. -> (11:37) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - That you come creeping in here, pretending to be someone else, only shows - that in fact, you butm-wipe, that you have no life, no life at alll. Now - go away, becaquse I've got real people to respond to. Yo momma!
(11:37) Harlan Ellison has selected tallison@mcs.com's question "hello from Duckon, a science fiction convention in Lisle, Illinois. Will you be at Worldcon or Nasfic this year? By the way I really liked your participationi n the Asimov tribute at Magico"
-> (11:38) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - I'll come out East for a signing when someone guarantees me five minutes - alone in a room with "CJ" or the real person hiding behid that monikker, - who might be the running-dog -> (11:40) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Greg Feeley, or the schmuck king of the pig-people, Charles Platt, or the - jumped-up rejected over of TLDV, Christopher Priest (the U.K, one, not the - DC comics one), or maybe their offecial chronicler, Andy Porter, or even - their w3est coast hit man Gary Groth. -> (11:41) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - These are the pustules who trie to off me a year or so ago when they - formed Enemies of Ellison. My, aren -> (11:42) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Come East..? -> (11:43) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - In a hot second. Put me in a room for five with any one of them. You - can even give them a baseball bat and I'll take 'em on barehanded. Don't - forget, I'm a weary old man with a bum ticker. And I'll still render them - into the goose fat that constitures their essential nature.
(11:44) Harlan Ellison has selected J.SANMIGUEL@GENIE.GEIS.COM's question "what do you think of the state of journalism in the U. S.?"
-> (11:45) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - The state of Journalism in the U.S. at the moment can be found somewhere - between the Ikefenokee Swamp and the LoveCanal. It is a polluted stream - of tabloid lunacy, without honor, and produced by Culturally Illiterate - incompetents who need a spell checker to get the word dog correct
(11:45) Harlan Ellison has selected dorato@usmcs.maine.edu's question "I sometimes wonder if your contentious approach doesn't get in the way of what you're trying to say. For example, "Politically Incorrect": lots of talk, not much actually said."
-> (11:46) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - I'll be a Nasfic. I'm the toastmaster. I invite the pus-baby CJ to come - up and introduce himself. Or would that be too much Virtual for the - Realityless maggot?
(11:46) Harlan Ellison has selected deven@ties.org's question "What are your own favorites among the books you've written?"
-> (11:47) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Asking me which, among the 62 books I've written, are my favorites, is a - legitimate question, I suppose; but it's not one I can answer. -> (11:49) From Moderator, to aba: - reload live.html.... -> (11:50) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - I am fond of all of them. They're my children. I cannot sayANGRY CANDY - is brighter in my heart than, say, AN EDGE IN MY VOICE. Ther are books - with stories I worote earlier in my career that make me wince at the - awkwardness of the writing, but I ain't ashamed for a nanoinstant of any - of them, because I wrote them as best I could at the time. But learning - my craft over the years doesn't mean that I reject anything produced by - theat Younger Ellison. I have no favorite. -> (11:51) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - But I must confess, I don't think I've ever written better than in - MEFISTOIN ONYX, or maybe "Pulling Hard Time" in the latest issure of my - comic book, HARLAN ELLISON'S DREAM CORRIDOR, available at your nearest - comics shoppe.
(11:52) Harlan Ellison has selected mmanes@ssi.edc.org's question "I'd like to know the title of one of your stories. Seven years ago I went to see you speak at Cody's Books in Berkeley rather than study for a chemistry final. That decision changed my life in two ways: I became a math major, and I began a search for the story you read. I came in late, so I missed any introduction you might have given. I remember a passage about a man running away in terror, wondering just how old his girlfriend really was (thousands of years?) I have looked in libraries and in each of your books that came out since that time, and I can't seem to find the story. Can you help me?"
-> (11:53) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - A guy running away from a woman he thinks may be thousands of years old? - Hmmm. Boy, that ain't much to go on. It might be "All the Birds Come - Home to Roost" or it might be "Fpptste[s
(11:56) Harlan Ellison has selected chad@vision.arc.nasa.gov's question "What about the state of movies these days? Have you found it (as I have) increasingly difficult to find pleasure or entertainment from the film industry. I thought last year was abominable (with "Hoop Dreams" and a few others as notable exceptions). Also, have you heard any information about John Frankenheimer being involved in a release of "to home video (I'm hot to see it, after hearing about it from you and friends)? Thanks, from a distressed movie lover."
-> (11:57) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Ask me about the movies! Isee everydamnthing. And yes, you're right, - it's woeful. In the AmericanAirlines flight from LA to Chicago, here to - the ABA, I actually found myself watching "The Brady Bunch: movie. -> (11:58) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - What a sweltering pile of donkey dung that bonegaded effort turned out to - be! Jeeeezus, what mentalites think we have asqualling need for "Casper" - or "Dumb and Dumber: or even "Terminal Velocity"? -> (11:58) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - -> (12:00) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - At dinner the other night I mentioned "Lost Horizon" and "The Third Man" - to a quintet of twenty-somethings. They looked at me as if I were - speaking in Urdu. -> (12:00) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - I lament for a generation that actually thinks Sharon Stone can act, an - that special effects are a substute for a story that makes you weep, or - laugh, or care about the rest of the human race. -> (12:01) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - As for "Seconds"--one of the great films of all time, well, I know it can - be obtained from some of the specialty videocassette companties such as - Video Search of Miami or...oh hell, my mind -> (12:04) From Harlan Ellison, to aba: - Goota go, folks. I've got a signing for White Wolf to do here at the - ever-popular, giganthumunguous American Booksellers Abbatoir, and so I - thank you for your courtesy and the compliment of your having come to talk - to me in the first place. And as for CJ, suck on this. -> (12:07) From Moderator, to aba: - Thank you very much for participating. If anyone has questions or - commetns about this session or future sessions, please send mail to - chat-help@ambook.org.
(12:12) Harlan Ellison is now unidle
(12:12) Harlan Ellison is no longer a member of aba
(12:12) Harlan Ellison has left the ABA Conference
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