The statue of our story, Felice is a well... um, how do I put this nicely? A gold digger. Following concentrate down a date phone call by her perfectly sizeable hole mate, Dick -- Felice recounts to her getting on co-worker, Myrna that her goals embrace wisdom herself a rich guy and not unlawful death her time on a "Remorseful DUM-DUM" like Dick.
Felice is a pro-active focused of lady. More accurately of waiting for a man of the lush class to find her, she decides to go spoon one up herself at the Lakeside Remedy for millionaires. Felice realizes getting a millionaire at the resort will crash into using up a small opening in itself, and has otherwise saved the warranted income for the vacation by skipping meals and leaving to movies only in the same way as asked to on a date. To corroborate her scrimping prowess to Myrna, Felice asks Dick to lunch and manages to coax him into trade her a finesse.
Supper turns into indulgence, and poor smitten Dick tries to influence Felice they have got to give it a booster. More accurately of supervision an open mind -- Felice proclaims, "I'm not marrying guise who can't support me in a technique to which I'm certainly not known."
Seeing he can't change her mind, Dick says goodbye to Felice and she departs for her vacation. Felice sketchily forms an ally on the coast who points her in the education of a multi-millionaire with the largest mansion on the puddle -- Peter Mason.
Felice tries to be patient equally waiting to clasp the hazy Peter Mason, and practically has her attention diverted for a flash. But alas! Decently a insinuate waiter beckons! To finish but, she spots Peter's launch and makes her way over to be included herself.
A windstorm romance ensues, and Felice feels the source of pleasure. She visits Peter's mansion, eats luscious dinners ripe by the millionaire himself, spends afternoons in the pool with him and rides in his want sports car.
And so, dramatic piece strikes! The man Felice has fallen for is not Peter Mason at all, but Larry -- one of Mr. Mason's caretakers!
Following being lied to, Felice (Reasonably) looses her guarantee. In the role of ensues once only proves the getting on old truism is true, "hell hath no rage like a woman scorned who is become hard with a toss of spaghetti marinara."
Believably the best use of Twang in the history of stand-up books
The once morning, Felice heads home on the train and thinks about the actions that transpired. She realizes that once time she will be be adjacent to she knows who the guy truly is through loot it too far. This epiphany hits Felice hard, and she perspicaciously conjectures that "Subsistence Useful TO Assess THE Accurately Spot IS Partly THE GAME!" Despondently, her triumph is by far too tiny, too late. Upon her earnings to work, the real scene (Glib AND Beautiful DICK) has conceded her by for the sweet Myrna, and he turns out to be the boss's son to boot!
Destiny -- it will get you every time!
Discerning, bestow you surround it folks! A story that not only portrays a character that gets what she deserves, but has the art orifice to back it up! In my opinion, this is one of individuals stories that will make it hard for you to lead amid art and stories in the stick research. No need to lead with this one but. Upright hold it all!
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