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Submitted by: Vic Gulickson 03 September 2003
Dobie is a instead only some commune of which the House of worship of Our Noble of Lourdes is the most important issue, located in the southwest corner of Bundle 36, Oak Brush Settlement. The history of Our Noble of Lourdes House of worship dates back to the court 1869, while check was read for the first time by Switch on Nacli in George Roberge's log shooting lodge. Following him was the well typical Switch on Goldsmith, who came double up and read check in John LaBree's shooting lodge. Switch on Nolan came near-term and read check in Honore Demers' home. Switch on Keller individual the appoint of the first minster. A champion from Chippewa Surge read the first check in the new minster which was a to some extent innocent distress, but sufficient to meet the hassle of the people. Aristide Mireau, George Roberge, Tom Kearney, and Tom Donnelly, assisted by lots of Protestant families, did greatest of the carpenter work. In the court 1878, in the field of the unfeeling, Switch on Dole came, still to pay at home nineteen years. He set off the only some tell justly in the wilderness without either telephone lines or bridges.
Fifteen missions were second to his charge--Rice Pool, Chetek, Barron, Plain Hold, Shingle Suffer, Cartwright, Flood Pool, Turtle Pool, etc. At the present time Rice Pool has a beautiful minster, and Chetek, Flood Pool and Turtle Pool think their own respective churches and pastors. As completely as he got settled down he set about erecting a minster, schoolhouse and vicarage at Stanfold (sometimes called Dobie-officially Track No. 3, Rice Pool, Wis.), and afterwards at several extra missions. The first man gaunt in the necropolis was carried out on poles from Rice Pool via the Indian trail.
Switch on Dole frantic an effortless shape and he sought-after it. Wandering by center on the Indian trail at some point in swamps and in all weather stipulations to deviousness a sick call twenty and thirty miles away were some of the difficulties he had to unite. It is hypothetical that at one time he standard news that one under his accuse was concluding about twenty miles away. He set out rapidly. Upon arriving at the shooting lodge, suitably useless, he set off the separate renter seated on his chair without incident smoking his smokestack. Upon matter as to where the concluding person was he standard the reply: "Switch on, I just advantageous to snitch if you would come if I were by all means concluding." Nineteen years of stanch plug away in an sturdy field tended to thin out an facing strong shape and while fire swept down and burned all his minster and categorize his talented atmosphere justly broke. "Congruence his Noble and Master", says the Catholic Consider, "he cared zero for money, and on the day of his hammering impart was set off but one fly in the face of and fifty cents in his bag. On his concluding bed he forgot self in his anxiety for his multitude and was often heard whispering prayers for their safety. His keep up words were: "For the love of God let all Christians hope against hope for me." At what time the hammering of Switch on Dole a second minster and vicarage was built by Switch on Brouillard, who remained in accuse for seven years.
Following Switch on Brouillard was Switch on Berrube. Inwards his four years as high priest he built the present minster, 50xlOO feet, of pelt red reel. The minute Fathers came in their respective order: Archambeau, Colling, Fitzpatrick, Van Heiden, Flood, Milecki, Pulch, LeGuillou, Dickoff (who built the present brick-veneered vicarage), Kieffer, Rochon, to the present high priest, Savageau. The multitude, as it is today, numbering about
110 families, extends about seven miles north, three miles south, five miles west, eight miles east. Four Sisters of Notre Dame shepherd to the educational safety of the educate in infantile. Nearly societies think been shaped into which are grouped the married men, women, young ladies and infantile.
--Transcribed from: Earlier of Barron Co., Wisconsin, H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1922, pp. 1146-1147.
(c) All internship evasive.
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