Keep these general approach techniques in mind and you should be just fine.
1. Direct conversation starter: Often times, walking up and saying "hi" is all you need to do. With a little smile on your face, a genuine "hello" followed by a short silence can cause a woman to fill in the blanks, and your job of approaching is done. What you do after that is up to you.
2. Situational Opener/conversation starter: Pay attention to what is going on around you and see if there is an opportunity to make a funny or witty comment about it and you should have no problem getting the conversation started. Whether it's something about her, what she's wearing, what she's doing or what others are doing around you, situational conversation starters are some of the easiest to come up with quickly.
3. Opinion openers: Girls love to give their opinions on subjects and this gives you an excuse to ask her a question without her knowing for sure if you're hitting on her or genuinely interested. Girls have been known to respond very well to opinion openers about relationship, gossip or fashion issues.
4. Compliment her: Over complimenting a girl when she has done nothing to really earn it is not the best idea. It is not advisable to compliment her beauty or looks because it's something she's probably heard a lot of. Rather, compliment something she's wearing or doing and you'll have much more luck at keeping the conversation going.
Starting a conversation with a girl is just the beginning, but one of the most important parts. Luckily it's the part that's over with the quickest and then you have to entertain her with your wit, charm and other talents.
Some men understand that using talents such as music or even magic tricks can be very effective when done correctly and when you avoid the mistakes that most men make. To get more information on how to start a conversation with a girl and even use magic tricks to build attraction, visit
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