Nearly half of the 2,000 dads polled resent the close relationship their partners have forged with the children - claiming their partner only had eyes for the baby the minute they were born.
Society's lack of lack of recognition for dads' contribution in bringing up children has also left them feeling confused about where they fit in family life. Yet they want to be involved and feel valued.
As a result, half of dads claim to feel hurt and useless on the days they are at home with the children.
Daddy blues: Two thirds of fathers feel left out of family life Mail Online
It's BIOLOGY and it works like this...
It never works in reverse.
Therefore a man will always be "alone" in every relationship....
This reality is one of the HARSHEST for men to accept.
They cannot look to ANYONE but themselves - for anything.
This is why there is absolutely NO benefit for a man to sign a marriage contract under any circumstances
That is what marriage is all about for women.So what is the point of doing so ?
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