Let's take a look at your living and work environments to see what they may be doing for you, or TO you. Much of male attractiveness is the direct result of attitude, self-esteem, and confidence, and your environment can impact those things directly, so it can impact your attractiveness directly.
Feeling good about yourself requires that you take action to succeed, which in turn requires that you feel worthy of success and motivated to go after it. How does your environment affect you in this regard? Everything around you can impact you, so let's look at some of the big ones to give you a feel for what to look for, and you can refine your search from there. Let's start with music.
Yes, that's a biggie! Even if you aren't listening actively, it's still there, being interpreted and assimilated, and there are subconscious mechanisms that act upon what you hear, so what are you exposing yourself to? First, what do you choose to listen to? If it's depressing, as a lot of alternative rock, death metal, and some country and honky tonk, ballads, and of course, blues can be, it's working on you. In my own experience, Michael Bolton was a great guy, according to pop culture, but his music was so depressing that I couldn't listen to it, and while I like some of the instrumental portions of Iron Maiden and Metallica, the death-oriented lyrics of many of their songs make me want to just shake somebody and tell the to wake up and get a clue. (The same goes for the angry-sounding rap that glorifies rape and cop-killing; fortunately, this isn't all rap, just the worst of it.)
I grew up in an area where country, bluegrass, and honky tonk music was popular, and I can remember even as a small child wondering why people wanted to listen to songs that spoke of people hurting each other, breaking up, divorcing, being lonely, etc. Even if you're not choosing what you listen to, as in cases where you have piped in music in your office that someone else chooses, or have a partner or a child that tends to dominate the household music listening (which luckily isn't as bad these days since personal computers and I-Pods make private listening much easier), you may consciously just ignore it, but your subconscious mind ignores nothing. Hence, the music you expose yourself to, at least with regard for helping you to maintain a positive attitude and good self-image, needs to be fun, uplifting, motivating, etc., providing at least some positive influence; at worst, it should be attitude neutral, like some form of light instrumental or dance music.
What about television? Do you watch informative shows that help you feel better-prepared to achieve? Comedies to help break the tension? Heroic adventures to see the good guys kill the bad guys and go home with the girl for "gratuitous whoopee"? Or do you watch sad stories, a.k.a., "human interest" stories, where the object is to pull you in to feeling sorry for the subject? Or nothing but news, which tends to be negative because disaster gets better ratings that acts of heroism? How can anyone expect to have a good outlook on life if a good portion of what they see every day is negative? There is obviously a lot you can't choose, but there is also a lot that you can, so choose well.
Speaking of what you see in the workplace, how is your job affecting your outlook on life? Are you well-suited to your chosen profession? Are you appreciated and rewarded by your current employer? Do you enjoy getting out of bed in the morning to start your work day or do you leave home at the last possible minute and arrive a few minutes late every day because you just really don't want to be there?
High self-esteem comes from achievement, and in every day life, that means mainly from success at productive work. If your work conditions keep you from feeling like you are accomplishing anything, either in your job or your career, or if it's swallowing you (as seems to be frequently portrayed on police dramas like "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit," where the officers are constantly exposed to the worst elements of human behavior and cannot avoid it because their job is to deal with it), depression and unattractive behavior is virtually inevitable.
Take a hard, objective look at your job and your career, and if it is not satisfying you, talk with a professional headhunter or placement agency, no matter what you do now or think you may be capable of doing. They stay in business by competently matching people with good jobs, and often have aptitude tests and other placement aids they will be glad to offer you on the chance that they may be able to pick up a commission by placing you in a good job. And don't let the idea of a career change scare you into failing to act. You may be surprised at how radical a career switch you can make but still be able to leverage your experience and be able to make more of a lateral move instead of having to start over at the bottom of another career path.
Another huge influence, and the last one I'll speak about today, are the people around you. Achievers will influence you to achieve, and miscreants of every flavor, being unwilling to do what is necessary to achieve, will seek justification and validation by spreading their defeatist attitude around like a virus.
You know them, the people to whom you announce good news and they insist that all good fortune is either fleeting or something bad must happen to you to pay for your good fortune, and they're always blaming their sorry life and lack of achievement on limited opportunities and some oppressive entity or system instead of doing what achievers do and making their own opportunities. You may include these people in your circle of "friends," but they are not friends. Friends don't try to impede the happiness of friends by trying to negate everything good that comes their way.
Once you find and eliminate all these negative influences from your life, you'll find it much easier to maintain that confident, "can't touch this" attitude that women find so irresistible, not to mention finding your life a whole lot simpler and more enjoyable. When you couple that attitude with a solid working knowledge of how to evaluate relationships, how to effectively communicate with women, and what they automatically respond to with curiosity, excitement, and desire, a great relationship with a great woman is a foregone conclusion, even if you're not currently with one!
What you need to know about all of that is waiting for you in a single source, my e-book, "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage." It's an instant download at http://www.makingherhappy.com, fully tested and guaranteed to work -- and for less than the cost of a good meal for two at a nice restaurant! Can you afford to ignore such information? NO! Can you use such information? YES! So get clicking, Bub, because life's too short to waste it feeling lousy about your life, job, and marriage! ;-)
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
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