This is a list of 5 famous and notorious womanizers from the past who weren't what anyone would call "classically handsome". Don't get too caught up in the "famous" part because if they weren't famous then the frame of reference would be lacking. The point is these 5 men were able to attract and seduce the most beautiful of women in their time and that's well-deserving of respect. The most crucial things a man must possess for attracting girls is confidence (swag!), conversation skills, and by far the most important is an understanding of human psychology, in particular female psychology. Learn to give women want they truly want and you'll be much more successful.
Mexican Painter and notorious womanizer who married beautiful Mexican painter Frida and cheated on her with her younger sister. As you can see from the picture below he was a very large man.
French Philosopher and writer best known for "Being and Nothingness" (one of my favorite books) seduced many women around the world. Sartre knew of women's weakness for sweet words and always used that to his advantage. He was also well-known for his "open" relationship with French Feminist/Philosopher Simone De Beauvoir
Now of course being the world-famous lead singer of the Rolling Stones has its perks like tons of hot groupies throwing themselves at your feet, but still this is not a handsome man. Call it his fame if you're lazy. If you're smart, you'll look at his fame as merely a consequence of who he already was and this is what made him so dreamy for tons of women everywhere. He is definitely a member of the Womanizer Hall of Fame.
d'Annunzio Italian poet, novelist and of course notorious womanizer. His successes were chronicled in Robert Greene's "The Art of Seduction". d'Annunzio seduced tons of beautiful Italian women all without being known as "easy on the eyes". Similarly to Sartre, d'Annunzio knew women had a weakness for words and as a poet he was certainly a master of seductive language.
I LOVE IT WHEN THEY CALL ME BIG POPPA!. The Notorious BIG was known for seducers R&B women and models alike during his reign as "King of NY". He became a sex symbol. At the dawn of his career he met and married Faith Evans (in her prime looks wise) and maintained a relationship with Lil Kim before making it in the game. Biggie was undoubtedly full of swag, charisma, charm and an excellent vocabulary that more than made up for his shortcomings in the physical attractiveness department.
The most crucial things a man must possess for attracting girls is confidence (swag!), conversation skills, and by far the most important is an understanding of human psychology, in particular female psychology. Learn to give women want they truly want. Once you TRULY dedicate yourself to learning the ways of women, there will be no stopping you!
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