Monday, May 12, 2008

0 My Secret For True Beauty

My Secret For True Beauty
The beauty of a woman isn't only in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair."

"The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes; because that's the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman isn't in a facial mole; but true beauty in a woman is reflected by her soul. It's the caring that she cares to give,"

" the passion that she shows; and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows. Maya Angelou et al.Inferiority complex can make a woman hide her potentials and lose her happiness. We should not look for others to affirm our beauty because

even if they do, we think that it is flattery. I am beautiful, I am a good woman, and so are you!

What makes you think that you are not a beautiful woman? Do you feel like your nose is too thin, too broad, too long, too short or not straight enough, or is it that you feel like it is not right at the center of your face?

All these are not the sum total of the true you.The beauty of anything is in it's content! You are a good woman. Yes you truly are. You do not think that you are good because you are waiting for someone to affirm it to you, and what if no one is honest enough to do that, will that make you a bad person? No!

You are filled with potentials that another is looking for. That nose that you complain about is what someone is wishing for. You prefer it thinner, another woman very close to you secretly wishes that she has what you have. You prefer it broader, someone somewhere is actually looking for that which you resent about your self image. There is no ugly woman anywhere! Discover your potentials, use them to shine in your own element, and that is your beauty.

You are unique, you have potentials, there is only one of you in this whole wide world. No one can perfectly take your place.Vigorously try to be yourself, do not try to be like another, because while you struggle to be like them, they continue to excel with so much ease.True beauty radiates when you are your true self and are not ashamed of BEING YOU.

The secret of true beauty is being yourself and being proud of who you are. Nothings brings out your best features like confidence. When you feel sure of yourself, it shows, it radiates outside and others see you. Even people with the best physical looks in the world will look not so good if they do not carry themselves with confidence. A confident look is a secret of true beauty. Loving yourself is another secret of beauty. If you do not love yourself, you hate the way your physical looks, then know that depression will wrap up whatever glow and what others will see is just an ordinary woman passing by them. Confidence in yourself gives you what I call stage presence. It make others to notice your presence and to feel the impact of you around them at all times.

Cockiness is not confidence. Being obnoxious is not confidence. Have you not had instances where you meet two people, you relate with them, and at the end of the day, you prefer to hang out with the person who does not even look as physically good. You chose the other rather than the one with good looks.

As women we get to chat with our friends and sometimes their friends too. There are times you get introduced to someone with great looks, after just some minutes of chatting, you realize that you do not want to be around that person.

A great character is another secret of true beauty. I prefer to work with someone who is less experienced but has a good attitude than work with a very experienced staff who has a bad attitude.

I will prefer to chat and spend time with someone who has a great attitude than a manner less good looking man or woman.

Having good looks is not bad in any way. Good looks with a good attitude creates the best personality. Attitude is everything, it opens doors that facial looks cannot dare. In all, confidence and a great character are my secrets to true beauty. These two can unlock any kind of gate.

The caring that we care to give to others is what true beauty is all about.

My good looks, if not combined with character, confidence and caring about others, can lead to a very lonely life.This article is (c) Copyright - All rights reserved


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