Saturday, September 11, 2010

0 Body Language Signals Shes Not Interested And How To Fix It

Body Language Signals Shes Not Interested And How To Fix It
The majority of communication between humans is non-verbal. So many times people say one thing, mean another, and because they're lying are easily found out by the people they're talking to. Body language permeates every single moment of every single day. You can't get away from it, and you exhibit it constantly whether you realize it or not. Most people are totally oblivious to their body language, so knowing what certain signals mean can keep you ahead of the curve, especially in the dating world. You can save a lot of time by not pursuing women who aren't interested in you, or you can identify her negative body language and know how to fix it, making you more favorable in her eyes in an instant.


It could simply mean she's had one too many drinks, but it could also mean she's losing interest and wants to leave. Some psychologists say people who exhibit this behavior in conversation are unconsciously acting out with their bodies what their brain wants to do, which is run away. When you see her doing this, immediately assess the situation. Try to get her to talk for a few minutes so you can think it out. She might want to run off because she she's bored, you're coming on too strong, or something you said or did made her really uncomfortable. While she's talking backtrack in your mind to when you noticed her rocking and what you said or did moments before it. Apologize if you need to, or based on what she says while she's talking, grab a hold of something you notice she's passionate towards and comfortable talking about to calm her down and get the rocking to stop.


If she's glancing around subconsciously, you're not interesting enough and her mind is wandering. Whether she constantly glances at a clock, her phone, her fingernails, or fidgeting with items on a table; they're all signs that she's bored. Change the subject immediately. Think about where you met her, friends you have in common, or interests you share. Change the topic to something new and fresh, not something you've talked about five times before and ran into the ground. You can also call her out on her glancing around in a flirtatious way by commenting on what she keeps looking at. Make her smile and laugh and you'll have her undivided attention. You never know, she might have something else on her mind that's a big deal in her life and it's not at all a reflection on you. This gives you the chance to have her open up to you and strengthen your relationship.


Whether it's her drink, her purse or her movie ticket; she's using it as a barrier. It's her unconscious way of showing her shyness or resistance to opening up to you. This isn't necessarily bad, especially if you've just met or are on your first date or two. She may just be feeling you out to see if you're trustworthy. Show her that you are trustworthy and that she can open up around you by opening up to her with something you can laugh about. As the date goes on, keep opening up in small ways, and notice her returning the favor by opening up to you in similar ways as well. Watch as the minutes tick by and those walls she put up begin to melt way. Eventually her drink will end up moving slightly to the side, then down, and then completely out of the way.


It's good if a girl touches her face while you're talking to her. Doctors say it's a way of self-stroking when you can't but want to stroke the person in front of you. But, if she's stroking her chin instead of her cheek, it means something else entirely: judgement. Of course, it's natural for humans to judge each other in nearly every interaction. But this type of body language indicates some serious judgement is going on in her mind, and it's not for the better. People also stroke their chins while making serious decisions, so when you see this happening, you know it's the moment where you will either make it or break it. To divert her attention away from her judgmental thoughts, mimic her in a flirty way and ask her what she's thinking so hard about. Another strategy is to back up a little bit with whatever situation you're talking about and shed some light so she realizes you're not a total jerk, if that's what she's thinking.

Understanding female body language is like a secret cheat sheet into the mind of a woman: it's priceless and most men would kill for it. It saves time, energy, effort, and can often keep you from second-guessing yourself. Do you have any other tips for guys on women's body language while dating? On the other hand, what are some body language cues you've noticed that shows a woman is really into you?

Body Language Signals She's Not Interested And How to Fix It is a post from: How to Attract Women - Gotham Dating Club



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