Tuesday, April 19, 2011

0 Blessed Be The Old Ways In Marriage Ancient Greece

Blessed Be The Old Ways In Marriage Ancient Greece
YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED BUT YOU WANT TO DO IT IN A PAGAN WAY. So you search for weeks but you are not able to find ANY DESCENT PLACE TO DO IT. And what about THE PRIEST? Can you really find one that your mom and dad aproves? And what about WHERE? Are there ANY DESCENT PAGAN TEMPLES TO GET MARRIED? You want this day to shine and do things no one did before. YOU WANT TO INCORPORATE THE ANCIENT WISDOM TO THE 21ST CENTURY AND BE BLESSED BY THE OLD WAYS!


MAGICAL RECIPES ONLINE, searching deep in history will once more give you the truth about ancient customs and rituals for every important event in your Life. We start with Marriage!

First of all WHEN?

* Ancient Greeks prefered to get married during the FULL MOON! They believed that the Marriage would be fully blessed if they did get married while the Full Moon was glowing in the Night sky.

* They also prefered to get married in the WINTER and especially around what we call now JANUARY. Back in ancient Greece there was a month called GAMILION / which in fact has the word GAMOS / which means MARRIAGE. This was because this month was dedicated to the QUEEN OF THE GODS, the beautiful and mighty HERA, who was THE GODDESS OF MARRIAGE. So plan your wedding during the Month of Here and if applicable on the Full Moon!

TIP! THE DAYS OF THE FULL MOON ARE CONSIDERED THREE! The actual day when the Full Moon occurs, plus the previous and the next one!


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* The bride was leaving once and for all her childish toys and she was dedicating them to the Gods/Goddesses symbolically thanking them for her childhood and asking for them to bless the rest of her life.

* Maybe the most important ritual before the wedding was... THE BRIDE'S SHOWER! Yes! Exactly. This also comes from ancient Greece as most things in our civilization! IT WAS A RITUAL OF PURIFICATION. A WATER MAGIC RITUAL. In Athens a whole group of friends and family of the Bride was going to a sacred spring, THE KALLIROI, and brought some SPRING WATER! (Of course you can fetch some SPRING WATER FROM ANY SPRING NEAR YOU!) There were only women except from ONE, the ne who was playing the Flute and guiding the rest along with another woman who was holding a large clay vessel who was supposed to gather some Spring Water.

* THE GROOM was supposed to have his own sacred ritual bath was much less fancy than the Bride's. :)

What about the actual WEDDING DAY ?

* Both the houses of the Groom and the Bride were decorated with the BRANCHES OF THE SACRED TREES, OLIVE AND BAY, symbolizing the Blessing of the Gods.

* The Bride was accompanied by her friends and the Bride's mate, a woman who had the responsibility to guide her wisely through the ceremony.

* The Groom was also accompanied by his friends and also ONE YOUNG BOY, the PROVIDER, who had a special place in the Ritual and his main purpose was to honor the Groom, SYMBOLIZING THE INFINITE POSSIBILITIES, THE YOUTH, GOOD LUCK AND THE HEALTH! The boy's parents should both live to symbolize that the none of the new-married couple would die young.

* THE PROVIDER, would bring bread to the guests, saying a sacred spell ", " which actually means, "I LEAVE EVIL, I OPEN MYSELF TO THE GOOD!". The same sacred verse was said by the priests of the Ancient Greek Religion to cleanse and sanctify the Bonfires of BELTANE, SUMMER SOLSTICE and LAMMAS and of every Solar feast or invoking of Solar and Fiery Gods/Goddesses.

* The newly married couple was on a carriage pulled by two oxen symbolizing abundance. The Carriage was driven by the groom's best friend. The carriage was going first at the Bride's house to pick up the Bride. The parents of the Bride were out holding a flaming candle symbolizing the Continuum of Life and Light.

* The friends and family of the freshly married couple were slowly following the Carriage HOLDING FLAMING CANDLES symbolizing that the Light will always be with the couple.

* The next stop was at the Groom's house. The parents of the Groom crowned with MYRTLE blanches and also holding candles.

* They were all throwing FIGS and NUTS to the Bride (and Groom) to symbolize FERTILITY.

TIP! The traditional Desert for the Wedding was made by Honey, Quince and Sesame. All three blessed by Gods to enhance fertility, love and peace. The actual recipe is not known but your can improvise. We will soon give you a Magic Recipe for a Love Desert with Honey, Quince and Sesame which you can use for a wedding or just a Magical Date :-) So stay tuned!

Special Thanks to the Priestess of Artemis who shared with us.

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