Tuesday, May 8, 2012

0 How To Approach Women Confidently

How To Approach Women Confidently
"Example has more followers than reason."

"John Christian Bovee"

Yesterday we discussed the number one obstacle when you want to learn HOW TO APPROACH WOMEN CONFIDENTLY: approach anxiety and you got some tips to understand this problem better as well as to get over it.

As promised, today we are going to learn another powerful technique to finally master the confidence aspect of approaching women, whether you know them or not.


A lot of people advice you to "fake it till you make it" when it comes to self-confidence. In other words, they are saying "fake the confidence until you finally have it". There are several problems with this approach so we are going to learn today to "borrow confidence" instead.

Who are we going to "borrow self-confidence" from? You can choose. The choice is always yours. When I first needed some confidence, I decided that I would borrow from an actor (I chose Brad Pitt because he looks pretty confident to me in this arena), but you are free to select whoever is for you an example of confidence when approaching women. This is technique is extremely powerful so choose your role-model carefully.

Now the plan is pretty simple: you are going to model this man. Modeling is how human beings learn many skills. We learn how to talk from modeling our parents. We learn how to walk by copying the way people walk AND practicing it.

Get some movies with the actor you have chosen playing different scenes where he approaches women confidently. Watch the scenes as examples to model. Then practice stepping into his body and using your body the same way that your role model does it.

Repeat daily until the new behavior feels natural to you. When you copy the physiology of a confident guy approaching women, you begin to practice and develop a confident mindset.

Watch the videos in a relaxed mood every evening again and again and let your unconscious mind absorb as many details as possible. Your unconscious mind is responsible for all your habits and automatic behaviors so you want to embed these confident behaviors deep into your unconscious mind.

Close your eyes and imaging stepping into this actor's body and moving and speaking exactly the way he does in the videos.

See through his eyes. Hear through his ears. What does it feel like to be inside the body of such a confident man?

Repeat the process every evening during 30 days and you will be programming your unconscious mind for confidence to approach women.

For more information about learning HOW TO APPROACH WOMEN CONFIDENTLY, check these out:

10 Amazing Proven Ways on How to Approach A Girl

How To Approach Women You Don't Know

10 Amazing Secrets on How to Get a Hot Girlfriend

Origin: pickup-techniques.blogspot.com


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