Thursday, May 1, 2014

0 Depression Differences In Men And Women

Depression Differences In Men And Women
Depression in bothwomen and men is a debilitating disorder that disrupts relationships and dailylives and affects nearly 10 % of the population. Despite the fact thatdepression is very common, only about 10 % of cases receive clinical attention.Once a person has a single episode of depression, the chances of recurrence arehigh. The disease is twice as common in women as in men, although both sexessuffer its debilitating effects. The almost same ratio is sustained across manycultures, nations, and ethnicities. This is true whether depression is indexed asa diagnosed mental disorder or as sub-clinical symptoms.According to theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, TextRevision (DSM-IV-TR), depression is two to three times more common in womenthan men. The prevalence of depression in women has varied from 5 to 9 percentas opposed to 2 to 3 percent of men.Based on thestatistical data, diagnosable depressive disorders are extraordinarily commonin women, who have lifetime prevalence for major depressive disorder of 21.3%,compared with 12.7% in men.Most explanationsfor the gender difference in depression have focused on individual variables, andstudies have attempted to show that one variable is better than another inexplaining the difference. In three decades of research, however, no single variable has been found been responsible for the gender difference in depression.In recent years,investigators have moved toward more integrated models, taking a transactional,developmental approach. Transactional models are appropriate because it isclear that depression impairs social and occupational functioning, and thus canhave a major impact on an individual's environment. Developmental models areappropriate because age groups differ markedly in the gender difference indepression. Girls are no more likely than boys to evidence depression inchildhood, but by about age 13, girls' rates of depression begin to increase sharply,whereas boys' rates of depression remain low, and may even decrease. By lateadolescence, girls are twice as likely as boys to be depressed, and this genderratio remains more or less the same throughout adulthood. The absolute rates ofdepression in women and men vary substantially across the life span, however.GENDER DIFFERENCES IN DEPRESSIONMen tend to act outtheir mood disorder while women typically turn it inward. Depression symptomsin men and women can be radically different, leading to lack of understandingand correct diagnosis. Based on the latest research findings here are some ofthe prime differences between male and female depression (of course noteveryone will have the same symptoms, and almost certainly not all of them,this is just a rough guide):1. SYMPTOMS IN MEN* Blamesothers* Anger,irritability, ego inflation* Feelssuspicious, guarded* Createsconflict* Restlessnessand agitation* Compulsiveness* Sleepstoo little* Becomescontrolling* Fear offailure* Becomesover status-conscious* Self-medicatesthrough alcohol* Over useof internet/TV/email 2. SYMPTOMS IN WOMEN* Tendencyto self-blame* Feelssad, apathetic, worthless* Feelsanxious, frightened* Avoidsconflict* Slowsdown, nervousness* Procrastination* Sleepstoo much* Difficultymaintaining boundaries* Guilt* Problemswith success* Assumeslow status* Self-medicatesthrough food* WithdrawalFollowing down thepath of differentiation between depression appearance between men and women,scientists have determined that the following patterns are statistically valid: * Eating disorders are more likely in women and there's more often a co-morbid depression. * Among women, depression disorders are much more likely to be accompanied by co-morbid anxiety disorders. * During a bout of depression, women are much more likely than men to experience atypical symptoms including hyperinsomnia and an increase in appetite. * Bipolar disorder is equally prevalent among women and men; however, the course of the disorder may be quite different. Compared with men, women are more likely to have rapid cycling episodes, experience more depressions and more dysphoria manias and to develop lithium-induced hypothyroid disorder. * Women are more likely than men to have anxiety disorders and have a greater incidence of panic disorder with agoraphobia. * The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorders among men and women is almost equal, but women tend to have an earlier onset and more obsessions related to food and weight than men. * Schizophrenia affects women more favorably than men. Women have a later onset, fewer symptoms and a better response to treatment. * Naturally, women more often showed visible signs of emotion, such as crying, while men tended to be more rigid and show less emotion. * Men suffer from significantly more frequent and intense anger attacks (episodes of intense, inappropriate anger).ReportingDifferencesWhile it is clearthat the women biologically are more prone to the depressive disease, someresearchers admit that the statistical difference might be exaggerated. Whenasked about symptoms of depression, women are more likely to admit to suchfeatures than men, a difference usually put down to women being more open andmen being more likely to use denial. Similarly, women are more prepared to seekhelp than men for their depression. Thus, examining sex differences in thosewho receive treatment is not an appropriate way for determining whether thereis a true sex difference. Another artificialinfluence is that many measures of depression include items that reflectdepression responses and expressions that are more likely to be experienced bywomen, such as crying, as well as appetite and weight changes. These canartificially inflate scores in women and, if there is a cut-off to decide if anindividual is depressed or not, women will then be more likely to be assignedas having "depression". Another influencethat has been demonstrated in several studies is that, over time, women aremore likely to remember episodes not previously nominated when asked (and toremember more symptoms), while men are more likely over time to "forget"previously reported episodes. This bias has been described as a "moodamplification" phenomenon. Causes ofGender DifferencesAlthough there isstill much to be learned about the gender differences of depression, thescientific community has a fairly extensive knowledge of its general causes,both biological and environmental. However, it is still unknown how thesecauses relate, and what causes are the inherent initiators. Generally, there are three major factors that can cause depression in individuals,and usually, it is a combination of these factors that ultimately leads one todepression. The three factors are genetics, neurobiology, and environment. Itis disputed which one contributes the greatest towards causation, but there isa relative consensus on the fact that all three contribute to depression. The evidence of genetic causation lies mostly in the fact that depressionfrequently runs in families. People with blood relatives that have haddepression are more likely to become depressed themselves. However, the exactgene or genes responsible for depression have not been found. Various regionsof certain chromosomes have been targeted as locations of possible depressiongenes, but scientists are having difficulty pinpointing the exact gene(s). Somebelieve that this is due to the fact that multiple genes contribute a smallportion to depression. There probably isn't one depression gene, or even fewgenes devoted to depression. However, studies support that depression can begenetically caused. Therefore, it is most likely that there are some genes thattrigger certain biological situations, which in turn can cause depression. Biologically, thereare both neural and hormonal areas linked to depression. The neural areasinvolve monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine.Serotonin is found throughout nature, but when acting as a neurotransmitter inthe human brain, it plays a large role in mood and feelings of happiness.Depression can occur when there is a lack of serotonin in the brain. This ismost likely due to the fact that the release of serotonin causes feelings ofhappiness. If serotonin is not released, then one does not feel as happy.Depression can also result when there is a lack of norepinephrine in the brain.Norepinephrine functions as a response to short-term stress. Most likely, a lackof it causes depression, because it helps one deal with short term stress. Ifthere is a lack of norepinephrine then one cannot properly deal with stress,and high stress levels have been known to cause depression. Neurotransmitters are not the only neurobiological areas active in depression,hormones, most specifically corticotropine, affect depression. Corticotropineplays a large role in flight aspect of the flight or fight model. It causes therelease of other biochemicals that are released during the flight aspect of themodel. These biochemicals cause repressed appetite for food and sex. Peoplewith depression often have large amounts of corticotropine, which is alsostress responsive by causing feeling of stress. It is difficult to tell whether these biological causes of depression areinitiators or only pathways from other genetic or environmental factors thatinitiate depression. What is known is that depression always occurs throughneurobiological responses, and can be cured chemically. Therefore, it can beassumed that it is the final step from initiator to depression. It is mostlikely that genetics or environmental factors cause these neurobiologicalfactors in one way or another. The environment definitely plays a role in depression. As stated, high stresslevels can cause one to become depressed. Anxiety can as well. Life events,such as traumatic childhood experiences can lead to depression in adulthood.Romantic breakups also tend to cause depression is some individuals. One of themost prominent environmental factors is lack of achievement, direction, orfreedom in one's life. Many people who do not achieve the success they hope; donot have a plan for themselves or know where they want to be; or, are stuck insituations where they cannot leave, become depressed. Ultimately, there aremany environmental factors that can lead to depression. However, thesesituations do not cause depression in everyone. Therefore, these environmentalfactors may trigger depression, but there are other genetic or biologicalfactors that must be involved.A causal study of depression is a difficult one. The major factors leading todepression have been located and thoroughly studied, but the role in which eachfactor plays in causing depression is almost totally unknown. Therefore,currently, a philosophical approach to the way in which the brain, mind, andenvironment work is the only means to shed light on how a person becomes depressed.First, it must be understood that the nervous system can perform the same functionin many different ways. Therefore, because depression always occurs in some wayneurobiologically, it can be interpreted that depression can be caused in manydifferent ways. Furthermore, the neurobiological aspect of depression is themost essential, because no matter if it is initially caused biologically,environmentally, or genetically, depression changes the brain and can betreated with chemicals that directly affect the brain. All people who are depressedhave biochemical changes. In assessing the relationship between causes, it is best to start at the sourceof depression (neurobiology) and move out, towards the initial cause. In manysituations of depression either genetics or environmental factors, or bothinitiate the depression, and cause neurobiological changes that leadseventually to clinical depression. However, the fact that the nervous systemcan manipulate behavior without inputs suggests that the nervous system can inflictdepression by itself. Taking an assumption that all the smart mechanisms insideand outside the human body have a valid purpose, the brain might be able tomanipulate itself to cause depression. Theoretically, it is quite possible thatthe brain needs to be depressed in order to perform certain tasks or enhancespecific types of learning and application.Not only could theunconscious brain be responsible for initiating depression, but the I-functioncould as well. A person could want something that causes depression. Forexample, a person may want to be more creative, and in result becomes depressedto do so. However, in this situation other environmental factors would be present.Ultimately, since there is no solid evidence supporting one factor inherentlycausing depression over the other, as of now, it must be left at the theorythat either of the three can inherently cause depression. However, becausethere is evidence to support that neurobiological factors are always involved,and also, there is evidence to support that brain equals behavior, there arefour possible ways that depression can arise:1. The nervoussystem by itself can cause depression. 2. Genetic predispositionscan cause neurobiological changes that cause depression. 3. Environmentalfactors can cause neurobiological changes that cause depression. 4. Any combination of the three. Relaying on theoutline possible depression causes and mechanisms, we can come to the male andfemale differences in depression. As stated, women become depressed twice asoften as men. This discrepancy is real, but because depression occurs in manydifferent ways, there are multiple explanations for this gender difference. Some explain the difference through more practical reasoning. For example,women are much more prone to diagnosing themselves as depressed, or reachingout for help, as has been specified earlier. However, this explanation cannotaccount fully for the discrepancy, because it has been noted that femalesattempt suicide much more often than males. Also, men would rather not reachout for help and deal with their problems through substance abuse oractivities, while women would dwell on their issues. Another theory is that menbecome depressed over different things than women, and the things that womenget depressed over occur more frequently. However, this theory has beenunsupported, and there is evidence that shows that men and women becomedepressed over the same issues; only women become depressed more often. Others try to account for the discrepancies in incidence through environmentalfactors. The most prominent theorized cause is the social status of women.Women have less freedom than men do, and cannot always do as they please. Thismay cause an increased need for emotional support that if women do not get,causes to depression. Furthermore, women have higher chance of depression rightafter childbirth. This has been explained socially by the fact that afterchildbirth women realize that they cannot aspire to do anything else, but carefor their children. This makes sense, since both women and men become depresseddue to failing aspirations and career problems. Finally, the last group of reasons for the discrepancy is biological. Studieshave indicated that during a menstrual cycle, women have a greater release ofhormones in their HPA axis, which is responsible for the release ofcorticotropine. Furthermore, women do not have the same ability to shut off theproduction of stress hormones as men, because women's sex hormone blocks theirability to do so. Therefore, women get stressed more easily, and this can leadsto more depression. This could very well account for depression during andafter pregnancy, because hormonal levels increase. Also, although it has notbeen confirmed, it has been suspected that there is a gene on the X chromosomethat causes depression. "Sources and Additional Information:"" 15 2001/story08.htm"""" depression men.html"""""""


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