Monday, October 13, 2014

1 Guest Post Relationship Dealbreakers

Guest Post Relationship Dealbreakers
When Melissa first asked me to do a guest post about dating/relationships, I kind of chuckled. Actually it was more like a snort. See, I met my husband when I was only 19, and I got married when I was 21. Twenty-one! Can you believe that? I kind of can't. So here I am, divvying up some advice on dating when my personal dating/single stint didn't last much longer than Lisa and Zach's one episode fling ("and don't pretend your have no idea what I'm talking about"). Ladies, there's a fine line between being too picky ("refusing to date a man because he has arm hair") or not being picky enough ("settling for Mr. Collins, shall we say"). But you do have to have some boundaries. Some absolute, mustn't-haves, or you'll end up realizing that twenty years of indulging in your husband's obsession with NASCAR is a segue for divorce. So I've enlisted some help from my friend Karen because she has some "say it isn't true" dating stories. We've come up with a list of absolute dealbreakers ("as my hero, Liz Lemon would say, and that's pop culture reference #3 already"). Please note that some of these are meant to be tongue-in-cheek dealbreakers, so have a laugh! "ABSOLUTE DEALBREAKERS...JUST SAY NO TO ANYONE WHO:"*Has a room dedicated to his Creed/Nickelback memorabilia *Gym rats who love taking off their shirt and doing that jiggling-peck thing in public places *Wears tank tops with large arm holes*Wears cut-offs*Has an addiction to video games *Gets style advice from Jon Gosselin *Still lives with his parents over the age of 25 ("acceptable exceptions: parents sick, unforeseen lay-off, etc")*Hates to read actual books*Tries to live his life like a Maxim magazine*Is mean to waiters/people in the service industry*Uses more hair products than I do*Lists Hugh Hefner as a role model *Refuses to get a day job because his band is going to make it 'any day now'*Sits next to me in a three-seater front seat when there is just the two of us *Has unacceptable facial hair (mutton chops, soul patch, little stache) *Prefers Jimmy Kimmel over Conan*Prefers Walmart over Target*Has highlighted hair*Wears hemp bracelets and necklaces*Asks me to get a boob job *Thinks that the all-meat sandwich at KFC was a good idea *Talks in the third person and only the third person I'm sure you could add a few of your own or maybe even erase a few. Hey, if you're a fan of Ed Hardy t-shirts and some-large-and-in-charge-sideburns, more power to you. I'll throw a few gems your way. --BY MELANIE FROM YOU ARE MY FAVE[Photo via kissssing]


  1. If you would like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to figure out the right thing to say...

    If you'd prefer to have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded pubs and night clubs...

    Then I encourage you to watch this eye-opening video to uncover a shocking little secret that has the potential to get you your own harem of beautiful women:




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