Wednesday, November 5, 2014

0 An Eye Opening Confession About Bad Relationships And Marriage From The Comfortably Unhappy

An Eye Opening Confession About Bad Relationships And Marriage From The Comfortably Unhappy
One of your fellow readers offers a compelling confession of her 15 years of being comfortably unhappy - nearly half her lifetime! Look to see if you see any part of yourself in her confession...

A very dear friend in London wrote to me confessing having spent nearly half her life in this condition before she finally broke free of her husband, a philandering, abusive, substance-abusing codependent wussy parasite who thought her purpose in life was to provide for him and his was to take advantage of it. Meet Heather:

David....sorry but I read your lesson about "Comfortably Unhappy" from yesterday [See: in the archive at our forum

to catch up]


Do you realise that was me for a long time before I contacted you, comfortably unhappy? You could use me as a perfect example of how not to do what I did and waste years of your life.

I was evaluating how long I was truly unhappy and you know what I came up with..............I was with [him] for 15 7 years I had an affair with an older man (gosh how I wish I'd run away then, but things wouldn't have led me to the other things I have today, like my career, if I'd done that, so it's ok really!) and I'd been miserable for a good year before that so and the friendship with the guy had been growing through that time where we were meeting each other in a plutonic way before we got it on so to speak and that means I was comfortably unhappy for 8 years David......why I stuck it for so long I do not know and all that happened is things got worse and worse even after I stayed after the affair as his possessive controlling behaviour escalated so how do we explain why people dont 'wake up' to what's going on for so long.............

I mean I didn't properly think about leaving when I was caught in the affair at that time it was easier to stay in the comfy situation than change everything, and I felt awful for the hurt I'd caused [my ex] despite the fact I knew the reason I had done it was because I was being taken for granted and treated like a maid even back then. Is that weird or what?!

I think after embracing the change I had this time I'd be the first one to say if you're not happy, run! Do whatever it takes! Just don't waste life.

Life is a precious gift that is far too short already and the only thing I have grieved for through all of this isn't my failed marriage or my lost childhood love/sweetheart. It's my wasted years of my life that I cannot ever get back, years literally spent being comfortable but unsatisfied and unhappy in every way.

Do you think if people realised how much you actually kick yourself afterwards they would wake up and sort out their own situations now, rather than waiting and waiting and watching the years of their life ticking away until they can't take it anymore?!

Just my thoughts on the newsletter and if you want to use any of them feel free.......


Guys, it's no different for us. We get in a rut, we spend years seeking a woman's approval, or looking to her for our self-esteem when we should be looking to ourselves and she has none of her own, let alone any to give us. We mistakenly think that things get stale and boring because that's the way they are supposed to be, and that's the price we pay for sex, and then the sex stops, too, but we look at the calendar and think that we're better off putting up with it and having an occasional affair than to give up half or more of everything we've earned and a big chunk of our future earnings to get out of it and have a life. What a load of crap that turns out to be!

For starters, unless you are with some kind of parasite or predator, or someone with whom you are grossly mismatched and never should have married, life doesn't have to be like that at all. The truth is that she probably got bored at the same time you did, or even before, if she's like most women, and would love for things to be fun and exciting again. Women are nesting creatures, right?

They don't like crises that cause major changes in their life (like divorce!) any more than we do, even though you will see them craving the adrenaline it causes to combat their eternally-tormenting boredom. It is foolish, not to mention catastrophic, to let a little drama convince you that the average woman would destroy her household and her marriage just to get a little adrenaline rush.

According to the best information I've been able to find, only one in two thousand is that insanely damaged. Indeed, one of the ways in which men and women differ fundamentally is that women spend untold hours visualizing their future, and for many, the hardest part of a breakup is giving up that vision; it can be quite literally traumatic, so they don't tend to just throw in the towel without a very good reason.

And no, it's not easier to have an affair than to fix things with your wife if you have the foundation of a good marriage. That's a myth that I'd like to strangle somebody for propagating, not because I think everybody should be married, but because it's simply not true and has ruined so many marriages that could have been fixed. What does it take?

It doesn't take much at all! It takes knowing whether you have the foundation for a good relationship, which is a matter of answering a few questions that I have for you. It takes knowing how you and your wife differ as man and woman, and using those differences to enhance your relationship instead of allowing them to remain points of contention, competition, and frustration.

It takes learning three simple rules that govern all communication with a woman, and using them to hear things she's been telling you for years that you never knew you were being told. It takes shedding the "nice guy" programming that you're drowning in, and getting back to being the "real guy" that your Y-chromosome has set you up to be, strong, competent, fun, and feeling good about yourself.

It's the easiest process a man can go through, because it's a return from your current unnatural self to your natural self, and a process that gives you the answer to questions you've spent a lifetime thinking you'd never see answered, like "What do women really want?" and "What makes women tick?" not to mention "Why did she just get mad at me for answering her question?"

So what do you say? Are you comfortably unhappy? Are you ready to learn things you never thought possible to know and enjoy your life - and your wife - like you never thought possible? Start the new year right! Go now, right now, before you do another thing, to and download your copy of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," and see just how easy enjoying a great life can be!

In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!

David Cunningham

"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham


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