Saturday, November 29, 2014

1 What Do Women Find Attractive In Men

What Do Women Find Attractive In Men
So, what do women find attractive in men? Men often think it's things like money, power, muscles, good looks, etc. but those are very far from the top of list! Experts agree. Let's look at the five most important things.

First of all we need to mention that ATTRACTION IS NOT A CHOICE. You do not decide you will be attracted to someone. It just happens. Just like if you suddenly encounter a large vicious snarling dog on the street, you are going to be scared. You do not decide to be scared; it just happens. Being scared, like being attracted, is entirely involuntary. Let's look at the things that make men attractive to women, regardless of what women think.

CONFIDENCE: Confidence is simply highly attractive in men. Studies have shown that women rate the most confident looking men as the most physically attractive. It doesn't matter how you met. You can certainly appear confident, but you can only get so far if internally you are not so confident. You can build confidence through successes, little or big. Start by standing up straight and not looking down when you talk to women. The material on this site will certainly help you build confidence!

INDIFFERENCE: This may seem illogical but it isn't. We all want what we can't get!

The opposite of indifference is neediness. Perhaps you had a girlfriend who became extremely needy. I'm sure you found it unattractive. Women find neediness extremely unattractive. If you say or do something, do not look at a woman for approval. If you tell a joke, do not look for approval. You are doing things for yourself - that is attractive. Hopefully they will like what you are doing too, but that must be secondary.

This can be tough if you are hung up on one girl, so do not get hung up on one girl! Not that long term monogamous relationships are bad, they're great, but she must prove herself first.

PASSION: You need to have passions in your life (other than women). Passion is attractive. If all you do is get up, go to work, come home, have dinner, beers, TV, and then crash, trying to pick up women on the weekends, you've got a boring life. Who would want to be part of that life? Not most women.

The passion is not important, but communicating it in terms of feelings and emotions is. For example, I love to flyfish and if I'm explaining the feeling of a beautiful sunrise somewhere gorgeous I'd never experience if I didn't fish, women love that. If I stick to facts and figures, "I caught 5 fish between 12 and 30 inches," that's boring to them.

I've started playing blues piano for example recently. I truly suck! It doesn't matter as chicks love it. I am having so much fun and that fun and passion shines through when I talk about it!

If you do not have any passion, you're not going to be great with women.

FUN: You had better be fun, and demonstrate it quickly, in order to attract women. Clearly not fun is unattractive. The best way to create fun is by joking and teasing. Playful teasing is fun and creates attraction.

For example, I just met two very cute younger women at Staples. They were trying to use the copying machine with great trouble, and I offered to help claiming that it was very complicated and clearly they were not technical. Now I was clearly being silly, and my expression showed it, but their reactions were amazing. After chatting and copying for 5 minutes, they gave me (I didn't ask) their phone numbers and insist we need to get together sometime!

APPEARANCE: I said good looks were way down the list and I mean it, but appearance matters to women. This is more how you dress and present yourself than innate physical beauty. Get a decent haircut, or shave your head. Throw away those ratty t-shirts. Really, throw them away TODAY! Get some decent shoes - as stupid-assed as it sounds, women care about shoes.

Now I have the sense of style of a jackass, so I go shopping with women. My brother's wife loves to shop with me and buy me clothes. I also shop with a woman I met online who has become a friend.

I commonly have women commenting on my style. I've heard, "I can't believe how cute you are" twice this week (and I'm not). This stuff, how you present yourself, which is mainly how you dress yourself, really matters to women.

You might think it is illogical, and it is to most of us men, but it really makes an enormous difference with women.

So, do women find bald men attractive? Do women find fat men attractive? Do women find muscular men attractive? Yes, yes, and yes because it doesn't matter! Physical attractiveness is so far down the list of what a woman cares about and finds attractive. It'll get you noticed, but rarely more than that!



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